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자전거 구입 완료

카테고리 없음 | 2014. 6. 4. 10:34 | Posted by binaryU


자동차 공동명의를 개인명의로 이전 하기

Aboutme | 2014. 5. 9. 03:03 | Posted by binaryU

ㅇ 명의이전 등록 구비서류 (YJH, KHJ 공동명의 -> KHJ 개인명의)

  1. KHJ만 방문시 (YJH의 인감증명, 인감도장 필요)
    1. 이전등록신청서
    2. 차량양도증명서(YJH의 인감날인 필수) // 차량 양도 가격은 100만원으로 기재
    3. 자동차등록증
    4. 인감증명서(YJH)
    5. 책임보험가입증명서(KHJ)
    6. 신분증(KHJ)
  1. YJH, KHJ 둘다 방문시 (인감증명, 인감도장 불필요)
    1. 이전등록신청서
    2. 차량양도증명서(서명날인 가능) // 차량 양도 가격은 100만원으로 기재
    3. 자동차등록증
    4. 신분증(YJH)
    5. 책임보험가입증명서(KHJ)
    6. 신분증(KHJ)

ㅇ 신청절차

  1. 구청 교통행정과 민원실에서 이전등록신청서, 차량양도 증명서 접수 (수수료 1,000원, 인지세 3,000원)
  2. 취득세(등록세) 7% 납부고지서 수령/납부 *but, 경차는 취득세(등록세) 면제
  3. 납부확인서류 자동차등록증 발급 창구에 제출
  4. 자동차등록증 수령
* 결론
  - 경차는 취득세(등록세), 채권이 모두 면제되므로… 실질적인 이전 비용은 수수료 몇 천원을 빼고는 제로!
  - 공동명의자가 둘다 구청에 가면... 인감증명, 인감도장 처리가 생략되어 아주 간단함.
  - 이전등록신청서, 차량양도증명서 2가지만 작성하면 끝남.


초등 영어 말하기 대회 원고

Aboutme | 2014. 5. 6. 03:32 | Posted by binaryU

Good afternoon, My name is OOO and I'm in third grade.

안녕하세요. 제 이름은 OOO이고 3학년입니다.

First of all, I am proud of entering English speech contest.

우선, 영어 말하기 대회에 참가하게되어 자랑스럽습니다.

Please be generous even if I do not speak English very well.

비록 영어를 잘하진 못하지만, 너그럽게 봐주세요.

Now, I will introduce things to do before I die.

이제, 죽기전에 할 것들에 대해서 소개하겠습니다.



When I attended the International Air Show in Cheongjoo last year,

작년에 청주 국제 에어쇼에 참석했을때,

I saw many fighter planes such as T-50 Golden Eagle, F-15K Slam Eagle, etc.

저는 T-50 골든 이글, F-15K 슬램 이글 등의 전투기를 많이 봤습니다.

Many aerobatic teams performed in the air show.

많은 곡예비행 팀들이 에어쇼에서 공연을 했습니다.

I think that Australia Paul Bennet team was the best of the best.

저는 호주의 폴 베넷 팀이 최고중의 최고라고 생각합니다.

Specially, I was very happy to take a picture with Paul Bennet.

특히, 저는 폴 베넷과 함께 사진을 찍어서 매우 행복했습니다.

To become a pilot, I will join the Korea Air Force Academy.

저는 조종사가 되기 위해서 공군사관학교에 입학 할 것입니다.



I want to travel around the world with my parents.

저는 부모님과 함께 세계 여행을 하고 싶습니다.

I want to visit New Zealand, China, France, Egypt, and Ethiopia.

저는 뉴질랜드, 중국, 프랑스, 이집트, 그리고 에티오피아를 방문하고 싶습니다.

I will go to New Zealand to see the windmills.

풍차를 보러 뉴질랜드에 가고 싶습니다.

I will go to China to see the Great Wall.

만리장성을 보러 중국에 가고 싶습니다.

I will go to France to see the Eiffel Tower.

에펠탑을 보러 프랑스에 가고 싶습니다.

My ultimate destination is Africa!

저의 특별한 목적지는 아프리카입니다!

I will go to Egypt to see the Sphinx and pyramids.

스핑크스와 피라미드를 보러 이집트에 가고 싶습니다.

I will go to Ethiopia to meet my father's friend OOO and have Ethiopian Coffee.

아버지의 친구인 OOO을 만나고 에티오피아 커피를 마시러 에티오피아에 가고 싶습니다.

To achieve my dream, I will work out harder and study harder.

제 꿈을 이루기 위해서, 저는 더 열심히 운동하고 더 열심히 공부할 것입니다.

Thank you for listening!

들어주셔서 감사합니다!


쿵후펜더2 자막

English | 2014. 4. 13. 11:38 | Posted by binaryU


쿵후펜더2 자막


리버싱 관련 문서

Seminar | 2014. 3. 18. 03:05 | Posted by binaryU,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=d1974889c519bd12&biw=673&bih=597

'Seminar' 카테고리의 다른 글

2회 정보보안기사 실기 예상 문제  (2) 2013.12.06
제1회 정보보안기사 실기 후기  (1) 2013.08.26
제1회 정보보안기사 필기 후기  (2) 2013.07.07
HWP 악성코드 삽입  (0) 2013.03.04

조조LC Part1 예문(220)

English | 2014. 1. 14. 22:08 | Posted by binaryU

Drill 1 (손동작)

1. The women are reaching for some shirts.

2. He is handing some food to a customer.

3. They're handing out some documents.

4. She is holding a brush.

5. He is unfolding a newspaper.

6. The women are carrying some folders.

7. A woman is pointing to the screen.

8. He is combing his hair.

9. One man is having his hair cut.

10. One woman is reaching for a utensil.

11. The girl is bending over the bag.

12. He is paging through a document.

13. They are packing some equipment for hiking.

14. They're discarding some trash.

15. They're transporting items in a box. (idems로 들림)

16. She's wiping his glasses.

Drill 2 (보다)

1. A man is looking into a store window.

2. A customer is examining a purse.

3. Some people are studying the menus.

4. Children are looking at a book that's open.

5. He is looking at the ceiling.

6. He is taking a memo from the board.

7. One man is viewing a sculpture with his arms crossed.

Drill 3 (쌓다/얹다/선반)

1. She is piling bricks on the shelves.

2. Some lumber is being stacked.

3. Trays have been stacked at a counter.

4. They're putting some items on the display shelves. (데퓨팅으로 들림)

5. Boxes are stacked in the room.

6. Boxes are stacked next to some plants.

7. Shelves are being stacked in a store.

Drill 4 (놓다)

1. He is placing the dishes on the counter.

2. Drinks are being placed on the table. (serving으로 들림)
3. Food is being set on the tray.
4. A stage is being set for a concert.
5. Produce has been sorted into containers. (Photos로 들림)
6. Customer are selecting some produce.
7. The files are on the table.
8. The doctor is putting on her lab coat
9. Cups are being placed on the counter. (serving으로 들림)

Drill 5 (줄지어 늘어서다)

1. Some shops are lining the road.
2. There are lights lining the street. (rights로 들림)
3. They are lining up at the bus stops.
4. A row of seats is in front of some glass.
5. A line of customers has formed to near the counter.
6. There is a line of trees along the street.
7. The people are seated it in a straight row. (street load로 들림)

Drill 6 (앉다)

1. Both men are seated at the desk.
2. He is sitting behind the counter.
3. An assortment of items sits on the shelves. (by them으로 들림)
4. Some people are seated on a bench.
5. One man is sitting on a couch.
6. One woman is leaning on the counter.
7. She is kneeling on the ground. (nearing으로 들림)

Drill 7 (도로/바닥)

1. The street is being paved with stones. (paid with stungs로 들림)
2. The people are rushing down a pavement. (paidment로 들림)
3. The floor is being covered with a carpet.
4. The carpet covers the floor in the room.
5. The floor is being polished.

Drill 8 (sign발음)

1. A woman is signing a contract.
2. She is looking at a sign. (at the로 들림)
3. There's a sign next to a lamp post.
4. Signs are being hung up on poles.
5. A sign is being posted on the wall. (ball로 들림)

Drill 9 (모이다)

1. A crowd is assembled under the trees. (disassembled로 들림)
2. They're facing each other.
3. They're gathered in the gallery.
4. One person is standing apart from the crowd. (a pot로 들림)
5. All of the seats are occupied by spectators.

Drill 10 (걸다)

1. They're hanging pictures on the wall.
2. Some clothes are hanging on a rack.
3. One man is hanging a painting on the wall.
4. A bulletin board is being hung up.
5. A bridge is suspended over a stream.

Drill 11 (차량)

1. The vehicle is parked at a station. (that으로 들림)

2. A motor vehicle is being dismantled.

3. She is pushing a wheelbarrow.

4. The contents are being put into a van. (them으로 들림)

5. Logs are being loaded onto the vehicle.

6. The man is covering a motorcycle.

7. The man is replacing a tire.

8. The man is repairing a car raised in the air.

9. A car is parked in front of the house.

10. Logs are stacked in a truck.

11. A truck is hauling a load of logs. (the blocks로 들림)

12. Cartons are stacked in the back of a vehicle.

13. Construction vehicles are parked outside.

Drill 12 (타고 내리는)

1. He is boarding the train.

2. People are disembarking from a boat.

3. Some passengers are getting off the bus.

4. Some pepple are getting out of the car.

5. An airplane is taxing down a runway.

Drill 13 (전등)

1. The lamps are on both side of the plant.

2. A lamp has been placed on the floor.

3. Street lamps are lit up along the road. (the long row road로 드림)

4. Light fixtures are being installed in the ceiling. (Nine to로 들림)

5. Lights are hanging from the ceiling.

6. The lamp is behind the curtain.

7. Lights are hanging above the crowd. (a bub로 들림)

8. The lamp is in the center of the room.

Drill 14 (실내가구)

1. A drawer has been left open.

2. A vase has been filled with flowers.

3. Two sofas are positioned opposite each other.

4. Chairs have been placed outdoors. (have가 안 들림)

5. Pillows are placed in the corner of the room. (Fellow로 들림)

6. A chair is placed in the corner of the room.

7. Pillows are spread out on a sofa.

Drill 15 (입고 벗고)

1. She is wearing a jacket.

2. The clothing has been put on hangers. (puton hang us로 들림)

3. They're removing the coats.

4. She is wearing a long-sleeved shirt.

5. She is taking off a pair of gloves. (her로 들림)

6. Musicians are dressed in matching uniforms.

7. A hat is shielding a woman's face from the sun. (head showding, space로 들림)

8. The doctor is putting on her lab coat.

Drill 16 (label)

1. He is labeling some grocery items in a store. (sleevring으로 들림)

2. Boxes are being labled on an assembly line. (mabled로 들림)

Drill 17 (전자용품)

1. The computers are switched off.

2. The computer monitors are being turned off.

3. The woman is turning on a computer.

Drill 18 (준비/정렬)

1. She is preparing loves of bread in a kitchen.

2. She is arranging a baked good on a tray. (beg로 들림)

3. Some equipment is being arranged up on the stage. (jup으로 들림)

Drill 19 (가득차다/채우다)

1. A bucket is being filled with liquid.

2. The woman is filling her glass.

Drill 20 (건설현장)

1. The man is standing on a ladder next to a building.

2. A scaffold has been erected outside the building.

3. Some banners are being put up on the brick wall. (pull up, bakku war로 들림)

4. Some tires are being replaced.

5. They are lowering some buckets to the ground. (rolling으로 들림)

6. They're working on the side of the buildings.

7. There tying some ropes to the top of the structures.

8. A man is shoveling snow beside his car. (snoop, this로 들림)

9. A man is using a shovel to dig a hole. (take a home으로 들림)

10. They are stocking some wood into piles. (fires로 들림)

Drill 21 (식당)

1. The women are pouring water into glasses.

2. The man is pouring produce into the container.

3. She is serving a meal to some guests.

4. Bottles are lined up on the conveyer belt. (Bbarans are lying that으로 들림)

5. They are putting on aprons. (an으로 들림)

6. Some refreshment are on the table. (Summer fresh mentol로 들림)

7. Some bowls are lying on the floor.

8. One woman is handing money to a cashier.

9. The seafood is being weighed on a scale.

Drill 22 (설치)

1. Some booths are being put up along the street. (serving으로 들림)

2. A machine has been set on a desk.

3. He is adjusting the instrument. (a justing)

4. A post is being put up on the grass.

5. Some notices are pinned to a bulletin board. (panned로 들림)

6. Notes are posted on a bulletin board.

7. Some notes have been written on a black board.

8. She is positioning a machine.

Drill 23 (비우다)

1. Some cartons are being emptied.

2. A display case has been emptied.

3. Boxes are unloaded from the truck.

Drill 24 (걷다)

1. They're walking near some water.

2. Pedestrians are walking on a sidewalk.

3. The large group of people are exiting the stadium.

4. The woman is strolling along the beach.

Drill 25 (건물/풍광)

1. She is climbing the stairs. (this tess로 들림)

2. A post is being attached to the railing. (willing으로 들림)

3. Fences are being built next to the platform. (belt로 들림)

4. There are fences surrounding a house.

5. A railing runs along the edge of the street. (as your로 들림)

6. There is a staircase that goes down.

7. Shadows are being cast on the ground. (cust로 들림)

8. Flags are being flown on the top of a tower.

9. A clock is on the exterior of the building.

10. A horse is standing around the base of a tree.
11. A woman is sweeping a staircase.
12. Two houses are divided by a hedge. (hendge로 들림)
13. Some houses are on top of a mountain. (run으로 들림)
14. Some flags are flying from the roofs.
15. Both gates have been let open. (are로 들림)
16. Water is flowing out of the pipe.
17. A platform is across from the building.
18. A mirror is hanging between the windows.
19. The buildings are surrounded by a fence.
20. Buildings are facing a parking lot.
21.The clouds have settled onto the hilltop.
22. A sidewalk leads to a building. (sidewook로 들림)
23. There are different styles of railings on the balconies. (nearings로 들림)

Drill 26 (잔디/식물)

1. She is watering the lawn. (wootring, noon으로 들림)

2. Grass is being watered. (Gross, wooted로 들림)

3. Trees are being sprayed with a garden hose.

4. Trees are being planted in a garden. (at으로 들림)

5. There're dried leaves on the ground.

6. He is trimming the bushes.

7. The man is raking leaves on the ground. (waking으로 들림)

8. Leaves are being swept off the ground. (Lims, swapped up으로 들림)

9. Some plants are being tied to a frame.

10. Children are lying on the grass.
11. Some fruit has fallen onto the ground. (food로 들림)
12. Bushes are being planted next to a board. (plunted로 들림)
13. The bush is being watered.

Drill 27 (전시)

1. Some clothes are displayed at a shop.

2. They're purchasing some artworks.

3. They're paying for the purchases.

4. Some artwork is exhibited in a case.

Drill 28 (행사/공연/연주)

1. The man is speaking into a microphone.

2. The audience members are clapping their hands.

3. Some artists are drawing portraits. (they surdry로 들림)

4. A musical instrument is lying on the ground.

5. Wood has been gathered at the campsite.

6. Some people are being led into an archway.

7. One person is assembling industrial equipment.

8. A band is playing on the sidewalk. (sidewook로 들림)

9. Some spectators are applauding. (flooding으로 들림)

Drill 29 (배/항구)

1. Some boats are docked near a building. (ed 안 들림)

2. A lighthouse is situated near a shoreline.

3. Waves are braking against some rocks. (t 안들림)

4. Buildings line the edges of a lake. (age로 들림)

5. Buildings are overlook the water. (iboolicked hotel로 들림)

6. Trees overlook the pool. (Tree is로 들림)

7. Some men are fishing up a pier. (the pm으로 들림)

8. Some boats are docked near each other.

9. The scenery is reflected on the surface of the water. (shelfs is the hotel로 들림)

10. Some boats are floating down the river.

Drill 30 (동물)

1. Animals are being herded into a barn.

2. A horse is pulling a cart across the pasture. (car, passenger로 들림)


2회 정보보안기사 실기 예상 문제

Seminar | 2013. 12. 6. 23:11 | Posted by binaryU

지난번 1회때... 56점인가로... 떨어져서... 씨발 씨발 하고 몇 달이 지났다...

1회때 실수는...

- 정답) find /etc/apache/conf -mtime -10

- 내가 작성한 답) find /etc/apache/conf -mtime < 10

이런... 10일 이내라는것이 갑자기 생각이 안나서 < 로 적어서 떨어졌다...

다른 문제들도 채점 상태를 보면... 부분 점수를 전혀 주지 않은 듯 했다...

빈칸을 쓰던... 나 처럼 부분 오류를 내던... 모두 0점 처리가 된 듯 하다...

그건 좀 너무한거 아닌가? 저 한 문제가 14점이었던거 같은데... 4점만 줬어도 붙었을 텐데...

아무튼 2회때 예상 문제를 한번 점 춰 본다...

아마, 누군가 이 글을 시험 보기 전에 읽고... 그리고 이게 적중을 하고... 그리고 합격을 했다면...

나한테 밥 한번 사겠다고 연락이 오겠지...

* 네트워크 부분

1. access-list 구성하기

  - access-list 1 permit

  - ip access-group 1 in

* 서버부분

2. find로 setuid, setgid, sticky bit 설정 파일 찾기

  - find / -type f -perm -4000

  - find / -type f -perm -2000

  - find / -type f \(-perm -1000 -o -perm -2000\)

*취약점 부분

3. Apache directory listing 제거 설정하기

  - /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf를 연다. (경로는 시스템마다 다름)

  - Options Indexes FollowSymLinks 부분에서 Indexes를 삭제한다.

내가 점치는 2회 실기 서술형 또는 실무형 예상 문제...

아... 이런... 오늘... 늦잠 자서... 셤 보러 못 갔다... 젠장...

'Seminar' 카테고리의 다른 글

리버싱 관련 문서  (0) 2014.03.18
제1회 정보보안기사 실기 후기  (1) 2013.08.26
제1회 정보보안기사 필기 후기  (2) 2013.07.07
HWP 악성코드 삽입  (0) 2013.03.04

초등학생 영어학습 싸이트

English | 2013. 11. 15. 16:48 | Posted by binaryU


꺼져버려! 영어로... 다양한 표현들...

English | 2013. 10. 18. 10:57 | Posted by binaryU

꺼져버려! 영어로... 다양한 표현들...

Beat it!

Sod off!

Push off!

Bug off!

Flake off!

Fuck off!

Eff off!

On your bike!

Take a hike!

Drop dead!

Off with you!

Stay out of sight!

Get out of my sight!

Bite the ice!

Go jump in the lake!

Go to the devil!

Go to Jericho!

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

쿵후펜더2 자막  (0) 2014.04.13
조조LC Part1 예문(220)  (0) 2014.01.14
초등학생 영어학습 싸이트  (0) 2013.11.15
SCADA security in the light of Cyber-Warfare (번역 작업중)  (0) 2013.10.08

SCADA security in the light of Cyber-Warfare.pdf


SCADA security in the light of Cyber-Warfare(Korean_ver1.0).pdf

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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